I am a conservative but favor legalizing gay marriage in my state (Florida). However most conservatives I have talked to say they oppose it. I want to hear your opinions.Conservatives, how do you feel about gay marriage and homosexuality in general?
What people do in their own home is their business. If homosexuals want to be partners, I have no problem with civil unions with the same rights as a man and wife, but it is NOT a marriage.
And I do not want to see or hear ANYone parading their sexuality in public, or ';sharing'; their sexual preferences hetero or homo...
EDIT - Agree completely that it is a state, NOT a federal issue.Conservatives, how do you feel about gay marriage and homosexuality in general?
I agree with pdooma. Civil unions, between two consenting adults, with all the benefits that entails. If the couple wants to call it marriage, fine. But marriage should be a religious institution and a church can refuse to endorse and acknowledge it, otherwise, it is violation of the first amendment.
If one is a Christian, and accepts free will, then it seems to me that one would endorse the freedom of decision, but not the actual decision, otherwise it is involuntary following of God's plan.
I think it should be left up to the States to decide.
As for me personally, I have no issue with whatever the government deems as a union. I do take issue with forcing churches or synagogues or other religious institution to have to perform marriage rites for those groups they do not believe should be married. In that case it's the government forcing itself into religion.
I think adults have a right to love whomever they choose. I believe the definition of marriage should not be changed, it is one man one woman.However, I am in favor of civil unions and believe that same sex couples should be able to unite in a committed relationship and have insurance coverage etc. I think any people who wish to, regardless of their relationship, should be able to designate someone to be their power of attorney and make medical and business decisions for them when necessary. As far as I know, this is already a common practice.
Personally, I believe marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman.
1. I oppose any law about it at the Federal level, it's a state issue.
2. I oppose the government making it illegal at the state level.
3. I support the ability of the citizens of each state to vote on how to define marriage.
I do not support gay marriage. If we legalize it, where will it stop? What do we say when the polygamist come out and say ';Hey, you're discriminating against us.';? What happens when NAMBLA wants equal rights? I think civil unions are fine.
As far as homosexuality goes, for me in my life, I think it's immoral. However I have a sibling that is gay and I love her just as much as the rest of my siblings. Her partner is just as welcome to family events as the rest of the spouses.
I think it should be up to the church to decide. Marrage is a religious issue and the government has no business being involved. I think that it isnt right to force a church to go against its doctrines to marry a same sex couple....but if they are willing to (which some do) then it isnt right to prevent from doing so either.
Some churches marry all sorts of people such as athiest, jews, etc. So im sure a same sex couple should be able to find one and have it done without any government interference....and there is always civil unions
But homosexualty in general isnt something that I approve of. I accept it because its not my business, but I dont like people to shove their sexuality in my face like their better then me because of it (some gay people tend to come off a little strong) All in all, its not my business, but I am curious to know why marrage defines a relationship Shouldt you be able to love your partner with or without marrage?
My tax dollars go into supporting marriage. I support marriage because I think it the best institution for having and raising the nation's children. There is no such focus in gay marriage.
There are other institutions that stand ahead of the gays when it comes to child rearing, most notably grandparents. If I was support more groups getting my tax dollars, it would be grandparents and not gays.
Marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman. I think that homosexuality is just plain wrong, but I don't believe that anyone would chose it. Perhaps we could institute another word for the union of homosexuals. By the way I wonder how big a proportion of gay marriages last? Not that heterosexual marriage is doing real well either!
I am not a conservative, but a follower of Christ and the Bible is clear in the old and new Testaments that homosexuality is a sin, an abomination.
It is disgusting to God and to his followers. Not those who profess him and their lives say otherwise matter here, but those who believe what the Bible says.
Homosexuals may wrest the scriptures all they want, but it doesn't change what God said.
Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail against his church, so this tells us that homosexuality will never be accepted by the church of Jesus Christ.
BTW, opinions matter not, it is God's word that is our canon.
as a conservative Christian I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman
1 i believe in the word of God in the Bible
2 gay relationships are very unstable and would not help the institution of marriage
3 the divorce courts are already tied up enough with problems this would just add another legal nightmare
as a nation we need to quit winking at the problems brought about by the gay community Drugs, sickness, alcohol abuse, high medical expense due to life style, and a lot of moving from partner to partner.
yes there are gays in long term caring faithful relationships but that is not the norm.
I have many gay friends and a gay family member most are stereotypical
(I am sure they will not agree with me but they do respect my opinions)
i am sure i will get thumbs down or my answer removed because it is not PC
you know what i am saying is true
especially if you are gay and honest with yourself
Marriage must remain a union of one man and one woman. That is because it is the ideal standard for an orderly society. After all, that is all marriage is. Marriage is nothing more nor nothing less than the ideal standard of behavior that best serves society in general. It is not by accident that it has been that way for hundreds of years throughout most civilized societies in the World.
You do not need to be married but if you meet the standard, you are given the blessings of the village elders, local Mayor, Church or whatever. It is the best way for people to live as far as civilized life goes.
Just look at the gangs and crimes in the inner cities where the illegitimacy rate is nearly 70%. You can certainly live together, have sex with each other and produce children like weeds if you wish but that will never meet the ideal standard.
So, since it is simply but importantly an ideal, it must stand for something. Two people of the same gender can love each other more than any two other people on earth, but they can never achieve the ideal standard. They can produce children in unconventional ways or even adopt them. But one Father joined with one Mother and all of the children being the fruit of that union is what is the ideal. That does not mean other ways cannot work but they are not the ideal.
My feelings about homosexuals is that is entirely their own business. I resist when they try to make it mine.
Only V.P. Cheney has publically came out for it. many others are either closet republicans or are openly gay Log Cabin Republicans. look at Sen. Larry Craig or Sen. Mark Foley.
In general.
They can live whatever lifestyle they choose....HOWEVER:
Don't label me a homophobe because I won't agree with your lifestyle.
Don't ram it down my throat and try to force me to accept it legislatively.
i don't care what people do behind closed doors,but words have meanings,and marriage is a union between a man and a woman. so i am against so called gay marriage
If you fear God, then you must oppose this evil. If you do not oppose it (at least with your vote) then it shows that you are not God fearing, and are certainly not conservative.
As a libertarian-conservative I don't ';feel'; anything about it.
Personally, I don't care what they do as long as I'm not asked to pay for it.
Just because I don't understand it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. People should be allowed to be happy, whatever that happiness entails. And I'm a HUGE conservative!
I live in Florida as well... I'm okay with them, just don't come to my church and don't bother me... AND NO you don't have a right to marriage.
I don't get why they have to be considered 'married'. It's sickening that they're raising kids too that will be outcasts until they're adults.
Marry whoever you want I could care less. In fact marriage should have nothing to do with the government period.
I wish they would be quiet and focus on real issues.
Not very much.
I think its sick, and when I see it, I think of diseases
there's gay people in Fla?....holy crap....
i ignore it
This isnt an political question
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