Is it wrong to pressure them, then?Is it wrong to pressure someone with marriage?
It's not constructive to ';pressure'; someone into something they are uncomfortable with. A constructive way to go about the situation is discuss your respective views and talk about how they can be reconciled.
On the one hand, marriage is not a guarantee that this person is not going to break up with you; plenty of marriages end in divorce. Whether you're married or not, anytime you love someone, you're taking a risk - a huge risk; there's no way around it. If you don't want to get hurt, don't get involved in a relationship - period.
That said, there are reasons why you might want to be married - be it legal, social or emotional reasons. If your partner is against marriage *in principle*, which is what it sounds like from your description, it won't do you any good to ';pressure'; him/her to abandon their principles - just as you feel strongly about marriage being desirable, they probably feel just as strongly that it is undesirable. It has more to do with emotion than with reason, so rational arguments are unlikely to have any effect. You *can* try and reason with the person, but you have to formulate for yourself what your plan of action is going to be if this person sticks to their guns. Are you willing to stay in the relationship even if marriage is not in the picture? Or would you choose to walk away? You need to proceed with this decision in mind.Is it wrong to pressure someone with marriage?
I wish you the best. Don't think of it as ';threatening'; to leave - you simply need to be honest about your needs, and be clear that if your needs are not being met, you will be looking for a person who can meet them. Hope things will work out for you.
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Marriage is no guarantee of life long love, nothing is. It takes TWO and your's sounds a little clingy and one-sided. I wouldn't pressure ANY man my dear, it'll backfire at some point and why would you do it anyway? -That is, IF, you're secure within yourself. When children are involved, sometimes its a different story and marriage becomes more important due to providing security/name/support to a child. Yet still, you can't ';pressure'; some one to love you or be with you if they don't want too...and sure, any thing can happen along the way to change the course of that love, for better or the worse.
You want a guarantee and there is none...we all take our chance(s) in this life with others...and we hope our love lasts and act accordingly.
Under no circumstances should any woman who has any element of self-esteem and autonomy force another into a relationship because they are afraid...
Yes it is wrong to pressure someone to marry you. Where is your pride? You don't want anyone to think that your that desperate. Being married isn't that great. It's a lot of hard word and takes two people who both have mutual respect for one another. If you look desperate how can he have any respect for you. Try acting like you don't care. Show your independence. Nobody wants somebody that is going to be an emotional dependent wreck. If you continue using the tactics your using you will lose him for good.
Not necessarily, if you want to be married and have that license. If things are good and have been for along, long time there is not a whole lot of difference between an extended relationship and marriage. Is it just because they are scared of the word marriage or commitment?
yes because you can't guarantee that your marriage won't end, which it probably will if you pressured them into it in the first place. If someone truly loves you, let the cards fall where they may. Marriage isn't the end all be all.
wow... sounds like you have a LOT of security issues...
don't pressure him into marrying you, i think you need counseling if you're trying to kill yourself.
i honestly wouldn't get married if i were this paranoid, it doesn't seem like it'll work out right... good luck
It is never okay to pressure marriage on someone. Even if you get married, that is still know guarantee. It seems that you have some insecurity issues that you need to deal with.
Marriage is tough enough anyway but to put pressure on anybody you are setting yourself up for a failed situation.
You should seek help from a professional person and take their advise
Mildred is my leader
No successful marriage is borne from coercion, and marriage is not a cure for some personal ill, either. It's more sacred than that.
NEVER pressure someone to marry you. If he/she loves you it will come naturally. You are the prize.
You need some counseling.. There is NO guarantees in life even if you do get married.
Yeah it's wrong
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