Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why did Christians change the definition of marriage?

The definition of marriage used to be 1 man, 5 women, a few wet nurses and 50 slaves.

Why did Christians change it?Why did Christians change the definition of marriage?
Because they hate anybody who doesn't agree with them, and want to justify their hatred - or at least rationalize it to make themselves feel superior.Why did Christians change the definition of marriage?
You could not be more wrong. Apparently you have never taken a class in history or anthropology. With the rare exception of an island or two that Margaret Mead found with a magnifying glass, every society has eventually worked its way to monogamous, heterosexual marriage. It is way universal and way transcends cultures that are predominantly Christian.

While you find polygamy in the Old Testament, if you actually read the stories, you'll see what they teach -- that polygamy always leads to big trouble.
The Bible doesn't actually give a definition of marriage. Instead it shows at least 8 different types of marriage that were acceptable. It never actually explicitly lays out a definition. I guess God didn't see far enough into the future to think that we would need something so basic. There goes the Omniscient theory...
Because they wanted to make their religion palatable in societies that strongly disapproved of polygamy. If they hadn't, then it could never have become widespread throughout the Roman Empire. And Christianity would have remained nothing more than a tiny cult of the Eastern Mediterranean region.
I know right? and MLK letting blacks marry? WTF is that?

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