I think a lot of people misunderstood the original question. The asker is suggesting that the gay community could begin their own religion (or a variation of another) that wholeheartedly supports two loving people getting married whether they are gay or straight.
The question basically asks why the most popular denominations seem to have the most negative influence over gay rights. For that matter, why should ANY religion have ANY influence over ANY laws? This is the United States and, despite what some seem to believe, we were not founded on Christianity. Were the majority of our founding fathers Christians? Perhaps, but they came here to escape the very thing that is happening right now. They had their own beliefs - including respect for those who don't share their values.
Marriage is not a religious sanction in legal terms. It's a contract. That's it. The fact that you can get married in a Church and then have it recognized has nothing to do with the church; you can get the exact same recognition by going to a court house or just signing some paperwork. The States simply authorize Church's to perform the ceremony - not require.
With that being said, there is absolutely no valid reason why gay marriage is still an issue in the United States. I respect that we give every State the freedom to make decisions on their own, but I also respect our Constitution which ALL States abide by. Any kind of Civil Rights issue should NOT be left to the States and it most definitely should not be left to the People. What kind of nation are we to VOTE on whether or not two tax-paying, law abiding citizens have the option to take their relationship to the next level? It's a majority gaining up on the minority and it's the most Un-American thing we can do to each other.
It's sad that a couple who has been together for a month can fly to Vegas for a ';quicky'; wedding when the mere right to sign a contract isn't even in the cards for a gay couple who has been together for 20-plus years.
Anyway, I don't see this being an issue twenty years from now. Maybe even less. Civil Rights always prevail.What if the gay community started a religion that believes in gay marriage?
The problem.
Churches do not license marriage.
States do.
There are already international religions that openly accept gay people and have gay ministers and perform gay marriages. But the marriage is not legally recognized if a State does not license it. So the state must accept gay marriage not the church.
Added: Whether Sodom and Gomorrah existed or not, it really doesn't contribute to this argument. If God has an objection to gay marriage then God is fully capable of letting his objection be known, until he does I don't trust anyone who claims to speak for him. A divine being has no need for translator or ghost writer or advocate. If God hates gay people so much than why does he keep creating them? I find it more likely that this is human prejudice rather than divine prejudice.
According to my understanding, that 'church' would be allowed to marry gay people. The rub is that the government would not recognize that marriage as legal in a court of law, like it does for all other churches.
But then, that 'church' would have a basis for a discrimination suit against the government on the basis of religion. It would be an interesting ploy. I wish it would play out.
EDIT: ';Remember Sodom and Gomorrah?';
Were you there??? No one remembers it. It didn't exist. It is a fable, just like Aesop's tales. It is not a historical event.
Remember there is a separation of church and state. Gays can get married everywhere religiously. The question is, is that marriage recognized by the state. If the laws in the state requires that the marriage be between a man and a woman than the gay couple would be religiously married, but not civilly married. Which, I think is the more important of the two, if you are religious. Also remember that the reason why the state originally started controlling marriage was to prevent genetic defects (i.e. stop men from marring their sisters) and prevent the spread of STD's. Now, we have penicillin so anything goes, it seems.
There are many ';gay'; churches. It is the Constitution that you have a problem with. I think eventually you'll get your activist court and it will find gay marriage somewhere in the Constitution. They found abortion in there.
It would be akin to the Klan forming a religion that believes in white supremacy and racism, people would simply discount it as a farce and another publicity stunt., and they'd be right.
yes i dont think ppl should be able to discriminate against someone who is gay that is wrong, god loves everyone
Remember Sodom and Gomorrah enuff said
They won't, they just want to be left alone.
U gay wads
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