Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why do people keep bringing up gay marriage?

The people voted. Their voices have been heard. Gays can't get married. Deal with it and stop whining.

I voted Yes on Prop 8. Marriage should be between a man and a woman.Why do people keep bringing up gay marriage?
Gay activists ';helped'; pass prop 8! 5.4 million voters said (for the 2nd time) that we don't want gay marriage. I wish they would just accept the will of the people and move on!

Gavin Newsom has a big mouth with his ';whether you like it or not'; statement. I'm actually open to gay marriage but when the activists try shoving their agenda down our throats it's too much! This agenda comes with gay marriage!!!!

Why do people keep bringing up gay marriage?
I also voted yes--and I am not Black! Not Catholic or Republican either. But the important question is, do you support civil unions? I do and for me that closes the case. Looks like the agenda of the Demicons and Republicrats met with an embarrassment! They are quick to throw around words like ignorance, bigotry and discrimination--which they themselves exemplify. Really to call them Marxist is to tarnish the image of Marxism. Over all, is the Bible a book of bigotry or is it a book of wisdom, peace and understanding?

Twiggy22: ';remember the majority of homosexuals come from ';traditional'; marriages.'; Correction, Twiggy: ALL homosexuals come from traditional marriages, leaving out only artificial insemination, which is a minor phenomenon. Therefore, they DO have a relationship to traditional marriage which they fail honor. They are not a race apart as they would like to portray themselves. I also question whether the GLBT agenda actually speaks for all gays. I observed a year or so ago in the news some lesbians took a walking tour of the U.S.--last heard questioning the validity of the negative take they had had on Americans. But then heard no more.
Because this shouldn麓t be something for the government to decide about. The US is a laicistic country, church and state are divided, and marriages are a religious issue in my opinion. The ideal way to solve this problem would be imo civil unions for everyone, and the churches can decide whom to marry, but the marriage shouldn麓t have any legal advantage about the civil union.

Like this, Prop 8 will come up every few years, and depending on the political climate probably each time with a different outcome.
They will never let it rest until they win. Marriage, being a biblical ceremony by nature should be a union that god can also bless. A Civil Union is a more palatable label for such an unholy event. Eventually, Civil Unions may become more common and then they will demand a title change back to married. Gay living is unholy and evil and will never be widely accepted.
Gay marriage along with other social issues might resurface because the sermons of ministers, the speeches of politicians, and the judgments of courts are not fixed. They change as people change. As for the people, there will be future voices who want to be heard too. Have a good weekend!
because with all the Obama supporters it would seem that unity missed the gay boat. Guess it only applied to heterosexuals. Obama took that state overwhelmingly. These people were supposed to be for change. They were supposed to be electing obama out of a sense of unity--drawing people together. Guess that message only goes so far though.
by your reasoning the civil rights movement of the 60's would never have happened...the civil war would never have happened and we would be several countries ( Northern states, Southern states,Texas)...slavery would still be abound in this country....and a host of several other history changing events would be a mute point...it would be easier and maybe better just to give California back to Mexico and be done with it all.
The people overstepped their bounds.

The will of the masses has trampled the rights of the individual.

Why do you think the bedroom activities of others are your concern?

Why do gay people have to subsidize your joint tax filing, and family healthcare benifits?
If you cannot get it now, propagandize the hearts and minds of Americans and wait awhile.

Sadly, this has not worked for the pro-life movement. Shame that the propaganda of the left gets into our schools. Come on and wake up, parents.
1. gays want to get married


2. the republicans want to have a wedge issue on the ballot to ensure conservatives show up to vote.
And why are you so interested in what other people do?

This is usually sign of latent homosexuality so why don't you come on out of the closet?

Why are YOU bringing it up? I would vote yes if I was in California (and I definitely would've if it was on the ballot in NY) but, come on! Have some consideration for the people who got their marriages revoked.
because its wrong to ban it. Who cares? honestly how does homosexuals getting married effect your life? it doesn't and remember the majority of homosexuals come from ';traditional'; marriages.
Just bring up Obama winning and be like ';HE SHOULDN'T HAVE WON!!! ITS WRONG!!!'; then listen to them contradict themselves.
Well......we want to be able to ban plastic bottles....but yet, God forbid anything gets banned that we want....


I HATE double-standard...from ANY cultural group.
yes i am disappointed, i wanted to marry the squirrel in the nest outside my house
Because it needs to be stopped all over and not just in Ca.
well whatever to you.


we can voice our opinions, just like you did!
Exactly. A man and a woman. It is not natural to marry between same genders, thats very unnatural. Another thing that pisses me off - in the bible it says that marriage is between a man and a woman. God believes that. Why do people say that gays are born that way? God would not make a person born to live a life of sin. Gayness is a choice, choose wisely.
Gay marriage will slow gay promiscuity and slow down aids.
Because Brad and Chad want the opportunity to fight over who gets to wear the Vera Wang wedding gown.

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