Thursday, December 31, 2009

What do you think of a father who does not want any thing to do with his kid outside the marriage?

What do you think of a father who does not want any thing to do with his kid outside the marriage? He makes sure that his income is so low that, you get less than $50.00 or less than $20 a month in child support. That is what the court would say. He is married to another woman, who works so he can be a stay at home dad to his other daughter. This way child support can get his wife income because it is under her name. He also does not exercise his parental rights. This is legal.What do you think of a father who does not want any thing to do with his kid outside the marriage?
He is a louse. This is what my dad did he also worked under the table. He never sent a dime. It's a shame b/c the one who suffers the most are the kids. You would think the new wife would realize hmm, if he leaves me this is what I am going to get and smarten up.What do you think of a father who does not want any thing to do with his kid outside the marriage?
it sucks to have dead beat dad put in this world. my dad never paid a penny of child support to my mom for all my life and we made it through. dont talk about your childs father to your child when he gets older he/she will know how their parent treated them and how htye didnt help out with life.
my ex had no NO income and the judge ordered over 350 a month, half of daycare and half of medical.

so idk what planet you're on buddy but you;re not gettin away with no 20 dolla a month.
wow thats really messed up, but my friends dad doesnt have a job and he has to pay alot of child support...he just doesnt.
Your question is....?
if we stop answering it, it might go away:))
i dont see how this is a question

but you shouldnt pick loser fathers i guess.
Poor thing.... Must have run out of meds again.... tsk stk
I would wonder what the woman who had the first child was thinking in picking such a guy to be the sire of her child.

I'd be asking her, ';Where was your radar?';

If I were she, and I wanted a child, I'd be searching for the best man I could find, and be sure I had a solid bond with him in which to raise a child. I would have been looking for a dad, not a jerk.

And I hope that someone would have told me that this kid, if something happened to our relationship, was going to cost ME $250,000 to get it to age 18, and that includes nothing extra... no braces, no travel, no music or art lessons, no RVing, nothing. Just some plastic toys, a computer, tv, and some dope in hs.

So the system may be legal, but I would have hoped I had some ability to judge a man better.

It's called common sense.

Don't shoot the messenger. You asked.
my ex did that and the court let him pick what he would pay so he picked indigent and we got 56 dollars a month. Sooo years go by and I got another court order and they raised it to 332 a month plus medical. He also had to pay arrears they said it was low in the first place because I din't express interest in collecting it. Tho I was young and poor and didn;t know how to get it. With the arrears he wound up paying 800 a month.

your guy there should be sued maybe even privately with an attorney to make sure you get a fair amount, courts don;t generally stiff kids out of child support.

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