Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gay Marriage Performed in One State and Recognized by Another?

Now that California has become the 2nd state in the nation to legalize gay marriage, I had a question concerning it. I remember from a college government class a few years back that said something about if something happens in one state it has to be upheld by another. Is that/was that true of anything or is my memory all funny?Gay Marriage Performed in One State and Recognized by Another?
Your memory is quite correct. The consitution calls for the Full Faith and Credit of laws in each respective state. However, many state constitutions declare that only a man and woman may marry.

This case is now headed for the US Supreme Court so that there is consistency in all 50 states.

As for the specific answer to your question it will depend on your individual state consitution. California cannot make law for another state.Gay Marriage Performed in One State and Recognized by Another?
No it isn't true. I actually just wrote a paper on it for class. I can't remember all of the states I think there is either 2 or 4 and I know that Rhode Island is one of them but only some states will recognize gay marriage from another state. I think New Mexico is the other state. You cannot get legally married in those states as a same sex couple but they will recognize it if you are legally married in Massachusetts or California.
No. That is not true. Only Federal laws are upheld in each state almost equally.
no...not if it unlawful in that state.....they do not have to recognize it.....

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