Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What was wrong or right to the answer Miss California gave to the question about marriage?

Give argument why you believe it's wrong or right

Did the criticism go too far are not far enough

Did the media make too big of a deal about thisWhat was wrong or right to the answer Miss California gave to the question about marriage?
There was nothing wrong with her answer. It was her opinion and she has the right to state it.

Yes,the criticism went too far and too much of a big deal was made out of it.

I don't think the question should have been asked. No matter what her answer,people who didn't agree would have been up in arms about it. It wasn't a fair question to ask anyone in front of millions of people.What was wrong or right to the answer Miss California gave to the question about marriage?
There was no right or wrong answer. It was inappropriate to judge Miss California on the basis of her opinion--she is as entitled to hers as you are of yours. The only part of it that could remotely be valid is how poised and confident a contestant was in answering a question. The actual answer should not be relevant.
Right: She stuck up to her honest opinion and wasn't pressured into thinking what was ';politically correct';.

Wrong: She jumbled her words and didn't answer correctly. We don't live in a nation to choose gay marriage, she should know she's from California who voted against that. (Only about 4-5 states give the opportunity to choose.)

Fox News of course would make it into a huge deal.
I personally think gay people have a right to be gay or do whatever they like and get married anywhere, but she DID state her opinion. I think what i think because all people are equal in america and i feel taking away the right to marry gayly (if that is a word) is taking away our rights as americans. She could have said a little more to back up her opinion and obviously her conservative view on gay marriage did not go well with the people in her state. However, i didnt see what the media said about her, sorry i cant respond to that part of the question. Also, the previous comment? that was incredibly rude to homosexuals and u should feel guilty u said that.
Right. To the first person to answer. Miss America is not supposed to offend anyone in America? Not NABLA members not Charles Mason? On a more serious point I think that Gay rights advocates who are spewing hate on this issue are missing a simple fact. Yes more Americans today say that gay couples should have the same rights as heterosexual in their life unions but they are also saying the word marriage should be reserved for the union between a man and a woman. Gays you should have your rights with your own unions with your own name. A union between a man and a woman is different than a man and a man or a woman and a woman. I will be called a bigot because I believe gays should have the same rights as I, but do not believe they should be able to call it marriage. It is not semantics. Which home has more diversity one where a child is raised by a mother and a father or two members of the same sex? Which one can bring children into the world without medical help or a third partner? If two people wish to commit themselves together for life that is great for everybody. But you have three very different unions lets get three different words to define them. I honestly believe that same sex unions would be legal in half of the states today if gay people framed the debate not on the word marriage but on their rights. But hey I think that hate laws are unconstitutional. Get killed for the $20 dollars in you pocket your children lose a father the criminal gets 20 years. If you get killed because you are gay your children lose their father the criminal gets life without parole. Tell me how that does not create more hate. Tell me how either child is not going to be devastated.
It was the wrong answer because if people who are gay know that she doesn't approve of them, then they wouldn't want her to be representing them as Miss USA. Someone who represents the US to the world should be someone who is acceptant of all types of people who are actually in the USA.
They asked her OPINION. It would be wrong to lie about her opinion, correct? Even if it did cost her the contest, I think it was better she told the truth than lie and win. I think she did an excellent job answering the quesion given to her.
she was asked a question and she gave her opinion which she has the right to do.whether other people don,t agree with it or not that is their opinion so what is the difference.

its getting really bad when people cant give their opinion.

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