Sunday, May 9, 2010

I would like to save my virginity for marriage. What are my chances of finding a girl who would go for that?

Pretty much all the girls I know expect to be having sex within a few months of dating. I'm only 17 but I'm getting anxious and wondering if there are very many girls like that out there.I would like to save my virginity for marriage. What are my chances of finding a girl who would go for that?
yes and im one of them, i guess when you start to ';talk'; to a girl just make that clear from the beginning that you are saving yourself, if she cant appreciate that then don't waste your time there is someone out there who will respect youI would like to save my virginity for marriage. What are my chances of finding a girl who would go for that?
Many, girls will be more willing to do this than guys, they have 10 times less testosterone creating way less sexual desire, and most like romantic relationships and care more about love. The person who said Asian and Indian cultures are more likely to wait is right, it's concerned dishonorable if a girl has sex before marriage, they are much more restricted.
Your chances are much better if you're religious than not. Many girls want to wait for marriage to have sex, or at least until they've been with a boy for a long period of time, especially at your age. It sounds like you just have to find the kind of girl that is right for you, perhaps at a church youth group?

Minimally, you can say less controversial things like ';I don't want to rush into it'; or ';I want it to be special with someone I really love';.
I think that the reason why so many girls expect to have sex so fast is because there is not enough guys like you out there (which is really sad by the way) So i think that there is enough girls that think the same way you do, so don't stress over that, you will find the girl that completes you sooner or later!

Good Luck! :)
to be honest i wish i would have waited till i loved someone before intercourse.

its way better if you you really like the person and or in a serious relationship with them, remember mistakes happen you dont want to get a girl pregnant so id suggest waiting for marriage or a serious relationship
i know a lot of girls who are in to that

go with your instincts

I think abstinence is great, but its a personal choice you cant make for someone else, if you find a girl that wont respect that, then she isnt worth it

well some traditional asian, indian, middle eastern women are more respectable. If you do not like those races find girls raised from a good christian home! Good luck!

I admire you celibacy!
talk to them,

if theyre jus in the relationship 4 sex, then chances r, they

A. dont deserve u in the 1st place or

B. it wont last long anyways

try 2 keep ur morals kid. i respect that

good luck
there aren't a lot of people in general that would want to wait until marriage, but there sure as hell are more girls than guys that would.
There are lots of girls who have the same outlook as you, you just have to find that right person.
Last survey I heard was 99% of men and 96% of women have sex before marriage. So, um, good luck.
i think our chances are real good
I'm a sixteen year-old girl. I thought I was in love once. This guy...he was everything that I thought I wanted. He was sweet, funny, handsome, thoughtful, talented...and unfortunately, he was also quite the ladies' man. He treated me like a princess, but all along, he had a girlfriend. I knew this from the beginning, but I paid no attention to that, or the many warning signs along the way. I thought this boy was my soul mate. But after about 10 months of nonstop flirtation, regular 6-hour late-night phone calls...I learned that he was only trying to get me in bed. That he didn't care for me like I thought he did. To him, I was just another nameless, faceless girl to add to the list. After about a year and a half of him trying to persuade me into cheating on his girlfriend with him...he gave up, and left me. He doesn't speak to me anymore; I'm forgetting his voice, what he looks like. I gave him my heart, and he decided to break it...I refused to give him my body, but he still stole my innocence. I've heard that nowadays, he's with a different girl every night. And this boy...I thought that he was the sweetest christian guy. He even said that he wanted to save his virginity until marriage. And while our friendship lasted, he was what gave me hope..that maybe, just maybe, there was someone out there who didn't just want me for my body. That there was a guy for me who didn't see me as something, but someone....who didn't just want me, but actually loved me. And although that hope was shattered when he left me -- as it was when various other guys tried to use me -- I've still tried to pick up the pieces, and have faith that there is someone out there for me, who will not use me or leave me...who will wait for me. I have no proof in my life that can support this -- my dad even had numerous affairs and later divorced my mother -- but that's what makes me want to believe in this so much. Because the greatest things are always those that look the most impossible.

I'm not exactly sure why I'm telling you all this, but I suppose I'm trying to tell you that you aren't alone in this. Just hang in there, alright? You're going to find that special girl someday, and she is going to be worth every moment you've spent waiting for her. Believe that.

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