Thursday, May 13, 2010

How is Marriage an institution between a man, wife, and God if you have to go through the government?

To obtain a marriage license?How is Marriage an institution between a man, wife, and God if you have to go through the government?
A marriage is between two people who make their promise of fidelity with whomever they feel is important as a witness. This may include God, their family and the government.How is Marriage an institution between a man, wife, and God if you have to go through the government?
In Catholicism, a person can go through a civil marriage ceremony before a judge or justice of the peace -- but in the eyes of the Church, that is not a marriage.

It's only ';between a man, woman, and God'; when it's done in the Church.

There are people who would be eligible to be married according to secular law, but not Church law.

Those people, specifically, would be those who were married in the Church, obtained a civil divorce, but were not granted an annulment by the Church.

So, to answer your question -- strictly speaking, a Catholic couple who are validly married by a priest, even without a government-issued marriage license, would still be seen as married by God and by the Church.

A marriage license is only for civil-law purposes.

The word -marriage- means two different things, completely different and completely separate.

The religious meaning of marriage is a man and a woman being joined in the eyes of God. Churches can decide who they will marry and who not, it's up to them. This kind of marriage has no legal requirements, doesn't require a license, and has no status under the law.

The civil meaning of marriage is an economic partnership between two people. It allows them to pay each other's bills, visit in the hospital, make choices when they other is incapacitated, inherit without probate, etc. etc. These are all items having to do with law, just like a business partnership. So you need a formal legal document to show that the relationship exists.

And this kind of marriage, being a right of citizens, is available to -all- citizens, because all citizens have all the same rights, equal protection under the law.
Marriage laws began to evolve during the Middle Ages. The Council of Westminster decreed in 1076 that no man should give his daughter or female relative to anyone without priestly blessing. Later councils would decree that marriage should not be secret but held in the open. But it wasn't until the 16th century Council of Trent that decreed a priest was required to perform the betrothal ceremony. Separation of couples was tolerated, but there was no legal divorce, though marriages between those too closely related could be annulled.

Wedding customs meant agreements or contracts were drawn up describing the rights of both the bride and groom. Medieval marriage ceremonies and celebrations depended largely on the social class of the bride and groom. Inheritance and property were usually two reasons why arranged marriages were contracted.

NOTE: There is a LOT more information on this website I found (below)
Its not.

You can get a religious ceremony in a church and the church has the right to require whatever they want for you to do it there, but you can legally be married without a church. Theres religious marriage and legal marriage. Big difference. No one cares if a church doesn't allow gay marriage, its the government that has no place restricting it in the legal sense
How is a marriage an institution between a man and a women if you have to go through Christian believers who think they should control everything?

Anyways, licenses are for legal marriage rights. You're free to get married at a bar with a bouncer as the priest for all that it matters.
In obedience to God, we must obey the laws of the land in which we live, UNLESS they oppose any instruction given us by the Lord. The laws of the land determine that on the day you make your vows before God and man, the government will not acknowledge your marriage on that day, unless they have certified proof of it. The government sanction does not harm the marriage, but actually empowers it further by recognizing it, which provides security to both husband and wife (in regards to their accumulated marital assets) as well as for the children they bear, and blesses it with lawful tax breaks, child credits as well as of course end of life benefits to the widow/widower and their children up to age 18, or in college until age 21. It in no way removes anything from a Biblical marriage.
originally marriage was just a civil contract between a man and whoever the father of his proposed bride was. it was all about title and financial security.

just because the church has adopted the custom doesn't mean that they make the rules. even if you did get married in a church you still have to go the court house for the license, otherwise it doesn't mean anything
@Zero: Best argument I've heard in a long while. I guess at that point we're arguing with semantics over the word ';marriage.'; A civil union that carries with it the exact same legal and financial benefits that marriage does, as well as any other benefits associated, would be acceptable I presume. People will be calling it marriage regardless, so, why not.
not a religious marriage. for instance, my parents were'nt married through the gov't, they were married according to the laws of Islam and the Gov't has to recognize this ahem ';freedom of religion'; so it is not fair of our society, our government and our courts to establish public policy that encourages this social engineering and pretends that homosexual ';families'; are normal, healthy and desirable. Instead, public policy should work toward discouraging the harmful effects of divorce and single parenting that results in motherless and fatherless homes - not promoting it!

and they can't force us to recognize that which our religion forbids as something different.
We only have to go through the gov because we apply for marriage license. It was only enforce because of interracial marriages and then the gov saw that this was a good ideas then they started to let everyone apply. But really they don't have the say over who you marry they just want to be in control over everything that we do. God bless marriages between man and a woman from the beginning of time.

Look at the site It will open your eyes to a lot of things that was never taught in school . The knowledge on this site is out ot this world.
It never has been about religion it has always been about people who care about each other .

Whenever religion becomes involved it turns to sh*t .

@ SuzAnna that was Christians and the European laws . Go back further in history to ancient Greece and see what they had then including gay marriage .

@ Jennifer do you always read your babble with your eyes half closed ?
There wont be any mention of God or Jesus at my wedding, but I'm still free to marry.

Why should Christians get to define non-Christian marriage?

They tried the exact same thing with interracial marriage in the 1950s.

Same arguments and everything. It was a sin, not gods will, etc..
Just another money making scheme. The Goverment only cares about making money. If you get divorced and remarried they make more money
Marriage is a sacrament intuited by God.
Why should 2 atheists be able to marry under this definition of marriage?

Marriage is not religious.
Historically, Christianity frowned on marriage.
well its just another way for the government to make money. thats all they care about. they couldnt care less how or who u r marrying.
How DO you get married in God's eyes anyway?

I've never understood it..
u dont have to unless you want tax breaks
The reason a Christian should get a license is because we are to follow the law of the land so long as the law does not conflict with the teachings of Christ.

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