Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What are the keys to happy and fulfilling marriage ?

In love? It's not enough to keep a marriage, study finds

So, how can you stay married ';until death do you part ?';What are the keys to happy and fulfilling marriage ?
In my marriage, God comes first and my husband #2. To him, God comes first and me #2. We stay strong individually, which keeps us strong together too.

Then there's the obvious stuff- communication, trust, loyalty, etc.

Both people have to really mean ';until death do you part';, not just until the road gets rocky.What are the keys to happy and fulfilling marriage ?
1. Trust: Suspicion and jealousy are the death knell of any relationship. If the other is going to cheat or otherwise dishonor the relationship, suspicion and jealousy will not prevent it, and such a relationship is fatally flawed in any case. Unwarranted suspicion and jealousy create misery in a surprising number of relationships. If you want to live happily, trust your partner completely. If they dishonor your trust, deal with the situation then. In the meanwhile, your will have been happy.

2. Open Communication: Tell the truth, tell the whole truth. If you didn't want to share your whole life with your partner, why are you together? If you make a mistake, admit it. If you have doubts, talk about them. Secrets and lies kill a relationship. With truth and openness anything is possible. Even if something is unforgivable, it is better to deal with it quickly.

3. Honoring the other's point-of-view: People disagree, couples disagree. Understanding that the two partners in a couple remain individuals is crucial to a happy relationship. Why would you expect that you and your partner should agree on everything? Honor that one of you is a Republican and the other a Democrat. Honor that one of you is a vegetarian and the other loves a great steak.

4. Self-Confidence: Co-dependence is another frequent cause of failed relationships. Happy couples know that they don't need each other. Each partner is a completely whole and valid individual who has entered into a voluntary partnership. Neither ';owns'; the other, nor ';can't live without'; the other. Each has their own interests and friends, as well as having mutual interests and friends.

5. Generosity: Greed and selfishness kill relationships. True love is generous in spirit. Mostly, generosity is not about material things, although that is also important. To have a happy relationship, be generous of your time, your love, and your attention.

6. Forgiveness: Resentments and thoughts of revenge and vengeance have no place in a happy relationship. Happy couples forgive each other completely for everything the other has ever done or failed to do - no exceptions.

7. Gratitude: Happy couples are continuously grateful for each other. Every day there are a myriad of reasons to be grateful for your partner. Find those reasons each day, and thank your partner every day
God! The bible says 3 strands are stronger than 2. The third one being God in the marriage. If God is in the marriage, then problems will be few. You will learn to communicate, you will learn to love, and respect. The husband will exercise his headship in a Godlike manner, meaning he'll be her head, but not in a domineering way, but in a way worthy of her respect. The wife will willingly submit herself to her husband, not in a ';I'm a nobody way';, but in a way in which she'll be worthy of his respect and love. There will be open communication, and like I said respect of each other. If you have God, in the marriage then you will be honest, you will communicate, you will appreciate, you will respect, you will love, you will be devoted, you will be caring, you will be loving, because God is the originator of marriage, and all those are qualities reflecting a Godlike relationship
Darling Quincentella3;

The true keys to an excellent marriage are as follows (you may disagree but it's true):

1:) Both of you must have an intimate relationship with our Lord, Saviour and Redeemer; Jesus Christ. Study His Holy Word together daily.

2:) You must follow the Bible's teachings on remaining true to each other. Try hard not to argue with each other. If angry, walk away from each other until you both cool down. Then, sit down and tell each other how you feel about what ever you disagree on. Make sure you listen to each other and do not interrupt the other.

3:) Pray for each other daily and then pray for yourselves. The truth be told most disagreements are caused by just not listening to the others ideas or feelings. When you pray ask for patience, understanding and calmness for all situations, for yourselves and not for the other. You may not be listening to him. Never put words in your mates month.

4;) Treat sex as deep love making and work to fullfill each others marital needs completely. Sex is supposed to be for the married only, in GOD's plan.

I could go on and on. Basically, you will both have to learn as you live the married life. As the lady you must remember 1 major thing. He is the head of the wife according to the Bible. Try hard not to be bossy over him in making decisions. Listen carefully to each others input, ideas and feelings. Whereever the 2 of you disagree, search GOD's Word for your answers. In the finally Heavenly analysis, the husband has the Heavenly right to make the final decision; whether right or wrong. If, he's right GOD will bless the decision. If wrong, GOD will show the right way.
always try to do what is best for both of you 95% of the time. There is 5% of the time when you are allowed to be a little selfish once in a great while. Be as understanding and honest with each other as possible. If you argue ( and you will ), make up asap, don't be afraid to laugh at each other and yourself for that matter. Marry the right one the first time, I did and 24 years later, I'd do it again, and I'm pretty sure she would too.
I am watching this question.... wedding date is sneaking up on me, and I am about to be the run away bride if I dont stop stressing. *Going to mexico with my best friend next week to think things over*

engaged and gettting cold feet.







-same or like wants out of life
communication is a must. it not only helps with the fights and disagreements, but it makes you feel closer to the other. honesty is a must, you cant have any trust without honesty. i think these are very important.
Communication communication communication. And when you think you have the communication down realizing that you don't and then it is more communication communication communication.

Are you referring to this article?

If so, previous relationships and smoking, as well as the man's age, are highly influential on a marriage's success.
1. Be honest

2. Be true

3. Tell eachother everything

4. Be best friends

5. Have great sex

6. Include eachother on everything

7. Listen to the other person

8. Show your love and care
there is an article on Yahoo's main page
If you make God the head of your home, you can overcome any problem all through your life together.
short, medium and long term common project. You can love your mate all you want but if you have nothing in common and don't share common goals and activities you won't last.
Always try to out serve your pardner.
Just pray.....
I agree with evathang100%

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