I have to write a paper for my religion class on remaining chaste until marriage. I can't say things like no STDs or pregnancy... it has to be stuff related to Jesus and everything. So if anyone has any suggestions...What are the benefits of staying chaste until marriage?
1.) Human beings are created in God's image and likeness (Gen.1:26). This means that we are meant to live and love like God in order to be fullfilled and happy. The human body as male and female is meant to proclaim and reveal God's love.
2.) So Who is God? The Bible says God is Love itself (1 John 4:8). But love requires a relationship among distinct persons. Therefore, in God's very being there is an eternal relationship among a lover, a beloved, and the love they share. This is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit respectively!
3.) What is love? Love is not mere ';feelings,emotion,or sentiment';, love means total self-giving love (Jesus on the Cross), this means that love is doing what is best for the beloved.
4.) Since we are meant to love like God, this means that we are meant to love in a total, faithful, fruitful, and free gift of self (like the persons in the Holy Trinity). This means no, contraceptives, pre-marital sex, homosexual sex,etc.
5.) Christ reveals to us on the cross and in Holy Eucharist/Holy Communion ('this is my body given up for you'), the eternal invisible love found in the Trinity, with His total, faithful, fruitful, free gift of self. This truth is what sets us free to love, what we are all created for. God bless!What are the benefits of staying chaste until marriage?
well Im no christian or anything but... Your purity is a need to gain entrance to heaven and sex before marriage throws that out the window. Also because having it leads to more sex before marriage and we all know lust is a sin. And then there's the problem with birth control and condoms, as god wants all sex to be child bearing and un married parentss are against the faith..Bastardsst aren't looked upon so nicly.
Some advantages:
- The absence of sin! (Adultery is very serious both OT and NT)
- Getting to know the person, not the *body*, is key to forming a good long lasting relationship in marriage
- Marriage is honorable and the bed undefiled
- Marriage is Holy and Blessed by God (Christ's first public miracle in Cana) it would be good if we were pure and able to accept it as the Heavenly Gift it is.
- Marriage is called a mystery (by St. Paul) like Christ and Church... this is an unsullied union (despite the fact that we are sinners) we should emulate that in the chastity of our lives.
1. the happiness that comes from knowing you did things the right way. (True happiness comes from following God's will not your own)
2. The best wedding present you can give your spouse.
3. Setting a good example for peers like Jesus did for us.
4. By waiting you are showing God that you are taking this sacrament very seriously and the graces of marriage too.
5. When we do things in the right way we are more aware of the graces imparted to help us live holy lives.
There are no real advantages, sorry. Well, the only two potential advantages would be not risking a STD or avoiding pregnancy, other than those there are no advantages. There are, on the other hand, a number of advantages to not waiting, as long as you practice proactive prevention.
there are several like 1)giving that special gift to someone u luv and plan to spend your life with- Proverbs 5:18,19 2) having a clean conscience before God knowing u did not commit fornication- 1 Timothy 1:19 3)establishing trust- no secrets
Lack of knowledge and lack of experience is never good for you. But perhaps if you marry a man who is hopelessly insecure being a virgin may be of some benefit.
It's all a simple matter of mathematics: You add a bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, leave a solution and hope you don't multiply.
It's the best wedding present you could give to your partner. The wedding night sex will be so incredible that you can do it all night long.
You are pristine and saved, in case the Holy Spirit makes a conjugal visit.
You could get married and then find out he has a small winky, or is lousy or selfish in bed :) Oops! now you have to deal with that or get divorced :)
You will be up tight and have a better chance of divorce...
well if you don't get married till you're 60, none.
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