Thursday, January 21, 2010

Do you people that are against gay marriage understand the heartbreak you are causing?

While you come up with irrational reasons to keep people of the same sex from getting married, there are people who aren't allowed to be officially married who are very saddened. Do you lack the empathy to understand what you are putting these people through with your blind unbending hate and intolerance ?

You are hurting them far worse by denying them the right to be with the one they love than they could ever hurt you by getting married to someone of the same sex. What business is it of yours what two consenting adults do anyway ? I mean REALLY ?Do you people that are against gay marriage understand the heartbreak you are causing?
I totally agree, these people aren't even affected if gays can marry officially. What bothers them so so much?? Just too many angry people in the world with really nothing to do but cause s**t for others...

If they are gay, they are gay...what can you do about it?? If they love each other...why not let them dedicate themselves to one another?? Their marriage could last far longer than a LLLLLOOOOOTTTT of hetero marriages!!

I mean, COME ON!! I've seen that people even get their dogs married!! How degrading is that to the gay community??Do you people that are against gay marriage understand the heartbreak you are causing?
Do supporters of Sodomite marriage have any clue as to the heartbreak THEY are causing?

First of all, no one is being denied marriage. Find an unmarried member of the opposite sex who is not a close relative (as defined by individual states) and you will not be denied marriage.

No one is being denied the right to be with anyone; the point some of us make is you have made a choice to form a relationship OUTSIDE of marriage. Since you chose against marriage for sexual pleasure, why should you demand marriage for economic benefit?

The last point; marriage is NOT a private matter; it is a societal statement of the promise to continue the regeneration and survival of your society. You are correct in what happens in the bedroom is none of my business; however, marriage is NOT confined to the bedroom any more than religion is confined to worship on Sabbath.
It saddens me to see so many people say things like ';marriage is a religious ceremony'; or ';marriage is meant to produce offspring'; when those reasons for marriage are not used against heterosexuals who don't want children or heterosexuals who are non-religious and who get ';married';. The ';Christians'; who impose their religious beliefs onto others using politics are the lowest of the low. None of those ';Christians'; ever had a problem with atheists couples getting married so what's the problem now?

Do they really think that Jesus would have been so derogatory towards another human being? What happened to ';Love thy neighbor';?

Their ';God'; never said marriage was between a man and a woman. Their ';God'; said marriage is between a man and many women. So why aren't they all involved in polygamous marriages?
What needs to be done is to completely dissociate religious marriage from civil marriage. Where I come from the ONLY marriage recognized by civil law is the civil marriage officiated by a justice of the peace or judge in a court room and that is the ONLY marriage with legal implications.

After that if you want to get married by the church or the satanic rite or the order of the aliens of outer space it's your business. YET if you don't get a civil marriage your other whatever ritual marriage carries no legal implications.

Separate church and state once and for all.
Stop lecturing us! Gays can have a civil ceremony and can draw up a Power of Attorney to have a legal say in all matters-health financial and otherwise...marriage is defined : two people of THE OPPOSITE sex.

The definition doesn't include gays...just like the definition of war doesn't include peace...

People who want to act deviant--have sex with animals or children or same sex--are against a societal normalcy--and the laws should protect the average citizen.

Gays aren't average or a majority.

The laws are for the majority and the definition is for opposite marry.

Get over one is sad--and gays are better off not married anyway as they are so promiscuous anyway==none of them stay with the same partner..for very need to have all the same protection --get a POA and have civil union!

Stop complaining that deformed-deviants aren't treated fairly.
The same thing can be said about the people who support gay marriage.

Look, its a can of worms with this gay marriage thing. What's so wrong with calling it a commitment ceremony? Why the need to call it marriage so bad? Its all or nothing with you gays. Can't we just get use to the whole idea first. Maybe call it a commitment ceremony so we can get use to the idea. Then 10 or 15 years from now call it a marriage.
Becasue to be totally honest.

God made Man. and then God made woman.

Man + Woman = Children.

God made those two pacifically so we can reproduce and populate the world that He made. If He made it man and man then you and me and evryone who answers this question wouldnt be born right now.

That is how it was from the beginning of time.

Mad Sinned and now we have man and man or woman and women

Now let me ask you this question...

Do you people who are in a same sex relationship understand the Heartbreak and pain you are gcausing God? Nope you dont.

I do not hate gay people. But I follow the Bible.

You should stop worrying about what other people think.

Life is Life and it is filled with sin. people are going to think the way they want. God made their minds. It's called opinions. okays.

Take care.
I have many gay friends and I say if you love the person you should be allowed to get married! It's a free country why shouldn't you be able to marry who you want to! It's mostly high rolling religious people who are stopping you, ask a person on the street and they'll probably say get married, unless they are church people then they'll say your going to hell. It's your life be happy and love who you want to love!
i believe that if two people are in love, let them get married. no matter what their genders are. it's sad that others can't see that. i have a friend who is engaged to someone of the same sex. and i am excited for them! i don't have any problem with people of the same sex getting married. it should be an exciting time for everyone in their lives. they shouldn't be stopped, or forced not to get married, because we don't do that when a man and woman want to get married.
Heartbreak? Give me a break. Its not normal, and you know its not . Imagine how confused a child must be when they see 2 same sex people together, knowing they were conceived between a man and woman. And if 2 consenting adults wanna get it on, then keep it private, as in the closet where it belongs. I mean REALLY.
Give me a break!

If a couple (even hetrosexual) had been dating for 4/5 years and loved eachother very much and lived together in the same home sharing every minute... Was suddenly told they could not marry, Does it cause break up? Does their relationship change? Does it cause trouble in the relationship? No... And if it does, then they proably are the wrong 2 pwople for each other.

It isn't like gay marriage was given 50 years ago and overturned this year. It was a whim of a few states to allow it, and then proposed it to the voters, because that is the DEMOCRACY we live in. the voters chose NO. Sorry.. We live by the law of the land if you dont like it, I am sure another country will welcome you.

But don't try in guilting us into feeling sorry.. Won't happen
If ';heartbreak'; is the criterion for allowing actions, how much sympathy do liberals have for people who pay 40% plus of their income in taxes? Or people who can't thank God at a commencement speech? Ore the white firefighters who didn't get promotions because they're white?

I think the government should not recognize these unions. If I'm such a terrible person for believing that then my ';approval'; should not be valuable to them in any event.
Some of you idiots need to understand that ';marriage'; is NOT a religious thing. Comprende? Its a LEGAL thing. Just because YOU got married in a church - that means nothing.

There are a gazillion people on this Earth with a gazillion different religions. Christianity does not = marriage. I am an atheist but I was still allowed to get married.
LOLOLOL.. Heartbreak???? No one says they cant be together.... If they love each other what is a piece of paper??? No, what they want is the benefits that come from being married, TAX BREAKS... Its just all about the money.... thats it..... Gays are gonna be together regardless of being married. Nothing new with that.. No one is trying to stop that... But thats not good enough for them.... Well too bad, so sad...
I'm not really understanding this at all. Why does anyone NEED to have their marriage to be legally sanctified as long as they have the benefits of being married? Marriage ceremonies no NOT have to be legal for them to take place. I just don't understand how a little certificate is really keeping gay couples from marrying anyway.
Of course they understand, and they do it blatantly with no regard to anyone's feelings but their own. But then again, that's the ';Christian'; thing to do - run around pointing out everyone's sins and berating them into repentance. It's been said that barbarians and Christians are the only people that kill their own wounded. Killing ';outsiders'; would be too merciful.
That would imply that they care. Unfortunately, the religious nut jobs that are so against gay marriage DO care about your SOUL!! haa haa.

Its like the pro lifers. ever notice that the most ardent pro-lifers are all middle age people who all have stable incomes are already set in their lives? They have no concept of what people actually are going through. Just like with Gay marriage. I mean come on really, if two consenting adults get married.. why is it such a big deal? Last time I checked i haven't had Gay missionaries knocking at my door to tell me that I need to become gay... But yet its perfectly fine for religious nuts to tell me how I need to find Jesus.
Anti gay marriage is a religious moral is it not? Since when is it ok for a country to force religious beliefs and morals on other people? I say it should be ok, it shouldnt be ok to force other people to live in a way based on other peoples beliefs. I mean, why isnt divorce ILLEGAL?
This whole issue wouldn't even exist, if men and women just followed the Bible and did it the way God ordained, man and woman marrying.

So, if ';gays'; and ';lesbians'; would just straighten out, I am sure they would find someone of the opposite sex to legally marry just fine.
Why are gays so intent on getting Married?

The answer is the answer to your question.

some examples are tax write offs, benefits and many other legal options.

So if you love someone you dont have to force being married unless your just just to shove an idea down someones throat.
And do YOU UNDERSTAND the damage you are causing by telling children being gay is ';okay';. But you don't care about that,do you? You just want to inflict you ideas on everybody else. The same thing you accuse others of doing.Your CHOICE,your problem.
I know how saddened I am that I cannot take advantage of the laws which are designed to benefit others on the sole reason that I am not who the laws were designed for.

It's called growing up and realizing that public policy laws are for society--not individuals.
I have more sympathy for the countless teenagers that put a bullet through their brain because society told them that they would never be accepted.

At least those who can't marry found someone to love.
I support gay marriage. It doesn't affect me one bit. If someone doesn't want to marry another person of the same sex, then don't do it. But that does not give them the right to deprive gay people the right to get married and adopt children.
Personally, I think that it doesnt really matter what sex/orientation you are to get married. It doesnt matter if you are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Straight! We are all humans and have rights.
Yeah, they really don't care.

Its really lame and pathetic for people to take the energy and time to protest and complain about someone Else's life that has absolutely nothing to do with them.
Go memo your Fearless Leader.

Gay groups grow impatient with Obama
What two adults do - I dont care (well as long as my wife isnt incolved).

Civil unions - I dont care

Marriage I see as a religous institution and I dont feel I should impose my beliefs on others by changing accepted norms for Catholic, Islamic etc..
I'm strongly conservative but I am pro gay marriage. I have asked many people to share their reasoning behind this clear prejudice and many of the answers, unsurprisingly, include The Bible.(I live in the heartland) While some people believe gays should be granted civil rights, most people here simply don't care about these people. The Bible says homosexuality is wrong, so the gays can burn in hell.
CA for example has civil unions. This allows them to be with the one they love.

Our society consistently sets standards for behaviour, consenual or not. Drug users and dealers consent to the deal, but it is illegal.

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