Saturday, January 23, 2010

I need help writing an essay on gay marriage?

I'm writing an argumentative essay on being against gay marriage and I need help. I'm not asking you to write my whole essay, I just need a little help starting. My teacher said not to use religious or moral arguments and stick with social or legal arguments. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Also it's for my college english class.I need help writing an essay on gay marriage?
The following is a previous post of mine but it's still relevant to your question:


First, let's agree on just this point: Government is supposed to be separated from the Church.

The first problem is how the secular government got mixed into religion.

This is what I believe to have happened: some short-sighted person thought that the government needed a way to classify joined couples who live together and have a combined income. Naturally, these couples were usually married and the person, who allowed marriage to be government regulated, thought that it would be easier to just call these conjoined individuals are ';married';. And all the privileges, taxes, and rights became tied to people who were ';married';.

Now married no longer has the denotation meaning: something as sacred as a the conjoining of man and woman and becoming one flesh. The government gave the word ';marriage'; a new connotation which is the joining of two people (no longer just man and woman) for LEGAL matters; that means living under one room, being taxed differently, and having a shared income.

When I first learned that the government actually recorded and took part in regulating marriage, I was shocked. Marriage is something absolutely religious and not at all secular. What ever happend to the separation between Church and State?

These ';gays'; (I don't know how else to classify them) ignorantly thought that marriage applied to them because of the new connotion that the government created. But what they really want are just the rights that come with marriage and have a this vain, worldy, materialistic marriage ceremony.

Summary: Gays don't deserve marriage. They may however deserve the rights that come with marriage. The government needs to stop mixing marriage with the government. They need to stop saying marriage because the word is absolutely limited to religion and so they have no part in it. I mean, Come on!, priests and elders no have to get a secular license to marry others. That's ridiculuous! Stop mixing government with the Church.

Solution: What the government needs to do is get a separate license that all people, including gays, who want to get married sign and just declare that they are two conjoined couples living under one roof and have a conjoined income and therefore need special consideration when being taxed. This way, marriage is by no means linked with the government and the term is no longer used by the government. By the way, the gay's can still have a fancy party but please stop calling it a marriage.

And, Yes!, this is all the government's fault.

If you disagree with me, then you just want to change the meaning of the word ';marriage'; into something of your own liking and that's just stupid. What if I get a bunch of people to start using the word ';right'; to mean left and the word ';left to mean right? You're doing the same thing with the word marriage.

Seeing the rest of the posters, I can tell that the majority of the people have not even read the Word of God and have no reasonable background knowledge to argue this.


Since you are dealing with religion, you only have logic as ur arsenal of argument.I need help writing an essay on gay marriage?
It's easier to write for gay marriage for social arguments. First, all those marriages and divorces are good for the economy. They employ florist, rental halls, retail stores, and divorce attorneys. Writing against gay marriage is difficult for social and legal reasons. I think the best reason against gay marriage is for the legal reason that there is no constitutional right recognized either by Amendment to the Constitution or by the Supreme Court of the United States that resolves whether it is a right. So until it's decided, the four states that allow gay marriage (and Californians who were grandfathered in before that state's constitutional ban) are really not allowing anything of consequence.
It would mess up their kid phsycologically. Their kid would also be at a loss of a mother and a father figure, and would feel socially akward.
******First off, before I get thumbs down from everybody for arguing against gay marriage, I am just trying to help this kid with his homework. I am not stating my opinion.******

It may be a tough angle, since not much research has been done in this area. I will choose the social arguments route and leave the legal view to others. Anyways, let us proceed.

Find something that most people value and argue that gay marriage will do damage to that value. The most obvious one is the human race. Most people would agree that they value the human race (although from a nihilist, such as myself, I would argue that there is no reason to value the human race). A second value could be the marriage between man and woman, but it would be hard to argue that gay marriage would hurt straight marriage. So, stick with the human race.

So, now, argue that our chosen value, the human race, will be in danger if gay marriage is allowed. This will be your hardest feat, due to the lack of research in this area. Here is a suggestions:

1) Defend the position that gay marriage is a learned behavior which may have some genetic factors but ultimately is a choice. Also, explore the possibility that straight people can switch orientations if persuaded to.

2) Then, argue that since it is a choice, the acceptance of gay people will lead more straight or unsure people to consider the possibility of choosing the homosexual lifestyle for themselves. Even people in marriages and committed relationships.

3) Argue that more people will choose the lifestyle till homosexuality is extremely prevalent. Explain that even man-woman couples will have outside same sex partners, i.e. same sex swinging will become a norm. Explain the possible devastating consequences to the children and family units as a whole.

4) Argue that the population could be in danger if too much homosexuality prevails and there is no dependable artificial reproduction method.

So, there are some rough sketches. Like I said, you won't be able to argue with much facts, since there is not much research, but you could say that it is safer too be cautious and wait for further research to be done before allowing gay marriage to proceed.

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