Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why are so many people against gay marriage?

If you dont agree or support gay marriage, dont marry someone of the same sex, its simple as that. It doesnt affect you. Gay people are going to be here whether we have the right to marry or not. SO if you dont beleive in gay marriage, dont marry someone of the same sex.Why are so many people against gay marriage?
because God made man and woman for a reason so the human race could continue. a man can't make another man pregnant or another woman make another woman pregnantWhy are so many people against gay marriage?
On a purely secular level - part of the answer is because there are implications in terms of state sponsored benefits that are extended to people who are married. These benefits include, but are not limited to, one's tax status and the ability to claim dependents, health care, insurance, etc etc. So, when you say it ';doesn't affect you'; - you are wrong - it does. The decision by any state to support gay marriage means that the tax payers in that state are willing to recognize and pay for the same benefits that are extended to a man and a woman that are married. The question then becomes - is a state government and the people willing to support and endorse that. In the case of California, the answer is clear. So, it is not quite as ';simple as that';.

On a side note, I find it particularly offensive that the state of California, the world's fifth largest economy, which is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy is wasting its time with this issue. We are in the middle of the biggest financial meltdown in 75 years - and we are spending time on the issue of gay marriage...c'mon now. I think there are a lot bigger fish to fry at this moment in our history right now.
It's so much more than that, though.

I read my Bible every night, and there are blatant statements in it that say that marriage is strictly between a man and a woman.

That's why I am against gay marriage.

Leviticus 20:13

';If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.';

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

';Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.';

Romans 1:24-27

';Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator鈥攚ho is forever praised. Amen.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.';
Recent polls show that a majority of Americans oppose gay marriage but favor civil unions. To say that a marriage doesn't affect other people is a bit simplistic. Married couples receive certain legal benefits and these clearly have a cost to society. Of course, gay people are part of society and they have to pay for part of these benefits, so I think it's only fair that they have an equal opportunity to receive similar benefits. The fact that most Americans support civil unions which would give gay couples the same legal benefits shows that the majority is willing to be fair to gays. The reason why so many people are against gay marriage is similar to the reason that so many liberals think that civil unions are not enough. The word ';marriage'; has religious meanings for many people. Many people would see government sponsored gay marriages as a government statement about a religious matter. Many liberals would be happy to stick it to people with religious sensibilities that do not condone gay relationships and have the government officially state that these are just as legitimate as heterosexual marriages. Just as I oppose attempts to amend the constitution to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, I oppose gay marriage because I don't believe it's our government's place to make religious statements. In fairness, I think the government should also get out of the business of conducting marriages altogether. I say, let the government provide civil unions with similar rights for couples of any sexual orientation, and let individuals and churches form their own judgement about whether or not these are marriages. This way, a gay couple who has a civil union and either belongs to a liberal church that allows gay marriage or blesses their own civil union as a marriage can call themselves married and members of a conservative church that doesn't believe in gay marriage can say they're living in sin... without affecting the gay couple's rights to receive the same benefits as heterosexual couples and without forcing religious people who don't believe in homosexual relationships to live under a government where liberalism is the established religion.
Well, i believe it is perfectly ok to be gay, just not to marry. There are many reasons i am opposed to it. The biggest one is, that the bible says marriage is btwn a man and woman ONLY%26gt;... adam and eve, not adam and steve. And when people get married, many decide to have/adopt children. I think that a child should have the right and enjoyment of growing up in a household with a mother and a father, not just 2 moms or 2 dads. It is just NOT right to me.
I feel that many people just hate on it because they wish themselves they were gay and they're too scared of coming out of their closet so they just say ';ew that's gross, people should not do that, yadayadayada'; right?!! But seriously I totally agree, let everyone be happy, even if they're happiness means being with someone from the same sex, oh well get over yourself and let them be. They're the ones getting married not you so there, its not affecting you in any way (:
People are just upset because I guess the definition of marriage to them is 'a union between a man and a woman.' They don't want their perfect little world shattered or out of place or anything. I agree with you though. It shouldn't matter. Marriage should be available to anyone, and any combination of the sexes. It's only right. Plus, a lot of legal issues concerning houses and cars and property get messed up when people live together, as a gay couple, but aren't married. People lose a lot that way.
the word marriage belongs to the bible. Another group cannot come in and try to say that it is something else. Its just insulting to something that Christians hold sacred. Gays should get every right that straight people do, but they can't impede on someone elses custom and impede and disgrace what they practice. When i tell someone i'm married, i don't want the person to have to ask if i'm married to a man or woman. Thats like if i said i was at a bar mitzvah, no one should wonder whether it was for a boy or girl. It's insulting to people's religion.
First reason: ';They think their religion tell them too.';

There are religious people whom doesn't hate homosexuals and there are also homosexual religious people. But really why would God make homosexual people just it's to be ok to hate them. I think people really need to stop hiding behind religion to justify why they hate homosexuals, because I don't believe a loving God would tell his children to hate others. Don't forget how some people like to abuse the bible. There were people in the past whom use the bible to justify their sexism and racism so women couldn't get their rights neither could blacks, so yeah.

Second reason: ';Because they believe homosexual is unnatural or because they choice to be that way.';

If homosexual was so unnatural why can you found homosexual acts in like every animal species. I mean there are animals whom are homosexuals just like there are animals whom are heterosexuals.

Why would anyone choice to be hated on for no reason or want to be victims of hate crimes? Let's get real here how many people actually woke up one day and just decided to be heterosexual. I mean I always been heterosexual just like homosexual always be homosexuals. So it's not a choice it just the way they were born.

Third reason: ';Because they think homosexuality is wrong or they just don't like them or being homosexual is nasty.';

I just want to ask the people whom think homosexual is wrong do they think the sexual acts are wrong or just being homosexual is wrong, because we all know that those sexual acts(oral and anal sex) are also practice upon heterosexual too. So is it wrong because there are two guys or girls engage in it or is those sexual acts abnormal if they are then try telling all those heterosexuals practicing them to stop too.

Everyone have someone hating on them, but that doesn't give you the right to control that person life just being you don't like what they are doing. Since they are grown people whom both agree to this. There aren't hurting themselves or anyone else, so I don't really see the problem.

To people whom think homosexual is nasty then don't observe homosexual acts. I mean I don't like seeing people making out in public, but I'm not getting involve in their lifes telling them to stop it. I just mind my business and go on with life. This is something that other people need to learn how to do.

The main point here is people need to learn how to mind their own business and go on with life. I mean come on now who give us the right to tell someone they can't have the same rights as every other citizen. I think it's so sad how homosexuals whom been in relationship for numerous of years actually have to fight to give marriage where heterosexuals can just meet every other on Friday, get marry on Saturday, and get divorce on Sunday. I actually know someone whom had done that.

All I'm saying is it's doesn't matter if you like it or not homosexuals are people just like heterosexuals so they deserve to have the same rights as we do.
idk either i think its because the religion that they believe in. but i think it should really be legal because whats the points of having a FREEDOM when you cant use it?

im not bi or meither lesbian but i am not against gay marriage. in fact i want it to be legal so many people can be happy (:

hopefully by next year
the only problem anyone should have with gay marriage is with the politicians who cares what anyone else thinks someone is always gonna feel opposite bout anything u do it's the politician you have to convince to change the law personally I really don't care who gets married or not seriously I have no say in it anyways and don't care so don't tell me cuz since I'm not gay it don't affect me go tell a politician lol but I really don't see the big deal it will boost our economy and I'm all bout that
I don't believe in the gay lifestlye or gay marriages! 1 man+1woman=Marriage! I disagree with not only gay marriage, but gay adoption. Bottomline: If America allows the likes of this perversion, we will eventually be brought down as a great nation!
I respect each and every ones opinion, if you fall in love and you are responded in the same way, hey go for it. In my religion supposedly I'm suppose to be against it but hey I believe god made us to love one another, even if it is some one of the same sex as you.
Well it's taboo to most people; they believe it will ';undermine'; the marriage institution. Also, most believe it's against the Bible, which it is, but it's not for us to decide other people decisions.
I'm not, but a lot of people were born during different times, when it was considered wrong; they were taught that it was wrong, so it's like a part of them I guess.

Others, however, are just narrow-minded who don't know what it feels like to be different....
It's a personal belief of marriage between man and a woman.

personally i think i am against it, but i really don't care very much.
They are haters.

Love is Love.

The government should let them

have their freedoms!
isn't it interesting how upset republicans get when they are told by some politician somewhere that their personal rights are in jeopardy.

but when it comes to someone else's rights, they know what's best.
I don't know. I think they want attention. There is nothing they can do about it, so why even try? You don't CHOOSE to be gay. People are just so ignorant.
So what's the over/under on right-wing religious nutjobs invading this post and spouting hateful comments?
I guess they think they will suddenly get wedding invitations from their ex's or something. I really dont know.
Because a lot of people are Christians and they think God doesn't approve of homosexuals.
That was my question once.

I totally think gay marriage is fine, and I myself am not gay (:


those ppl who say gays are wrong are stupid :P
i totally agree
I don't believe in gay marriage.Mainly because of my religion. Right it doesn't affect me just like it's none of your business if I'm against gay marriage or not. Doesn't matter though if they want to be gay let them be gay.It's them though who must pay that price to God.

I'm kind of confused though.You say that if you don't support gay marriage then don't marry someone of the same sex. Umm that makes you gay if you marry someone of the same sex.So why would someone marry someone of the same sex but not support gay marriage?
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please answer;鈥?/a>
God created marriage, 1 man and 1 woman, anything else is not

true marriage
I don't disagree at all. I just think gay people shouldn't be allowed to adopt kids because thats how molestation starts and other things so im against gays having children.
i agree, gays shouldn't be allowed to adopt kids...
cuz it was Adam %26amp; Eve NOT Adam %26amp; Steve...
God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.

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