Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is it unfair to employers if gay marriage is legalized?

Why should the companies that offer benefits for spouses now have to be on the hook for gay pretend marriages?

Wont this lead to companies cutting benefits for ALL spouses due to the added cost of having to pay for a man's man friend's care?Is it unfair to employers if gay marriage is legalized?
There are already employers who opt to extend benefits to same-sex partners, regardless of their legal capability to marry. It has not, to my knowledge, adversely effected the benefits of the heterosexual spouses of employees of those companies.

It's not unfair to employers if gay marriage is legalized....if anything, it would facilitate a stream-line of the policies for those that already cover same-sex partnerships in their benefits packages.Is it unfair to employers if gay marriage is legalized?
Pretend marriages? Who are you to decide what is a marriage and what isn't? With more than 50% of straight marriages ending in divorce in the first two years, I don't think any of you have any room for looking down on gay marriages.

Unfair to employers? What about being unfair to people who are in love and want to get married? Over 1000 rights come with marriage... you don't see anything unfair about denying those rights to some people?

Edit: at present there is nothing to prevent a man and woman from getting married for benefits... nobody checks to see if they are really in love. So that excuse won't hold water.
First of all Roger D I'd like to see the statistics on that. I doubt you have any to support your outrageous claim.

Sorry, I believe it will cause companies to withdraw benefits for spouses. This would be another example of government interference that leads to more financial cuts in the workplace.
50% divorce rate amonst heterosexuals in the USA.

Looks to me like hetero's have just as much of a pretend marriage as the gays do.

So how does it work again? Oh yeah you christian folk get up there in the church with the pastor/priest then you do the little oath thingy making all kinds of promises to god...then break those pormises...then yah try it again....make more promises to god...break those fake promises said with fingers crossed behind your back...then go right back to the church and lie to god again.

When do you think god will figure how full of crap you people are?
Nope. That's not unfair at all. That's equality.

It's legalized in Iowa and soon the entire nation.

Live with it!

Gay marriage helps the economy by attracting tourism so it actually helps employers. Employers would get more business.
No, the thing that causes a company to cut benefits is the people that abuse. Going to the doctor everything they cough or cut a finger.
Did you consider that these benefits for more people might be GOOD for the economy?

Tax cuts for the wealthy aren't the only option we have for reviving the economy.
Well, they are already paying benefits for opposite-sex couples, so why is it unfair to make them pay the same?

Currently, gays are basically subsidizing married people.
It is unfair to every U.S. citizen as well as the founding fathers! We ARE a christian nation, and that is what made us great! Just look at our money! Look at our pledge of allegiance!
no, it's completely fair, the gays are great hair dressers, some of them are great cooks, some of them stylists, and even wedding planners... I say just let 'em get hitched and worry about bigger issues.
Exactly.What's to prevent hetro or homo roomates from staging a pretend 'gay' manage.Plus who would be the best man at a lesbian wedding?
No. Is it unfair to employers that heterosexual marriage is legal?
It is unfair to all of us if it is.

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