Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What is the significance of the title, ';Marriage Is a Private Affair'; by Chinua Achebe?

Explain the significance of the title, ';Marriage Is a Private Affair'; by Chinua Achebe. I have read the story in class only once (I can't take the textbooks home), but I don't know what the significance is for that title. I just know that the title is a verbal irony. Please help me out if you can. Please use evidence/passages from the short story. Thank You!What is the significance of the title, ';Marriage Is a Private Affair'; by Chinua Achebe?
I believe that phrase explains many aspects as to how the union of Marriage % a union between ONE MAN and ONE WIFE is and can be viewed and / or misconstrued nowadays.

The meaning can be changed in this title by how it is stated and which word is stressed above the rest.

As is an evasive technique for many authors to leave the ultimate definition of a title to thier readers, this title is an exact case-in-point.What is the significance of the title, ';Marriage Is a Private Affair'; by Chinua Achebe?
It's a double entendre!

don't you just love nigerian humor?

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