Are Des Moines and Hartford showing signs of being the next Sodom and Gomorrah?
Is your Jesus planning on flying back to Earth to say, ';You know what, guys?! I'm taking back my sacrifice!';?
What kind of horrible, horrible things are happening?EVANGELICALS: How have your churches in Iowa, Vermont, and Massachusetts been affected by gay marriage?
All traditional marriages in those states have ended in divorce since same-sex marriage was recognized in those states. It's completely destroyed the traditional family. Life as we know it has ended. Oh, the humanity!!EVANGELICALS: How have your churches in Iowa, Vermont, and Massachusetts been affected by gay marriage?
Obama wouldn't do that. The reason Democrats tend to support Gay Marriage is because we ACCEPT and BELIEVE in the separation of Church and State, that is we don't want your Biblical law governing our secular government. It's nonsense to believe Obama and the government would sacrifice their beliefs to inhibit your churches ability to practice what they believe.
I pray to you, God, that this question is joke.
Gay marriage does not affect anyone except the people who cannot be married because of people's ignorance, or are married because their states wised up and legalized it.
I lol'd
';Is your Jesus planning on flying back to Earth to say, ';You know what, guys?! I'm taking back my sacrifice!';?';...that was my favorite.
(does gay cross version of hokey pokey and stayin' alive dance) Yippie!!!
Don't forget New Hampshire!!!!!!!
It is like evolution, you cant see the changes. But you know they are happening.
When presented to the voters, 29 states have constitutionally defined marriage as one man and one woman. When presented to judges, not the people, 3 states have said otherwise. So much for democracy.
The weak churches are falling prey because they deny truth to become politically correct and prevent the loss of their flock, i.e., money. The nasty poop that is coming will polarize the real people of God and the luke warm ones. Look what is happening at Notre Dame because of BO the Messiah. More to come.
that has nothing to do with anything....BUT WE ARENT GOING TO CONDONE SINNING....PEOPLE MUST LEARN SIN results in all of us dying and going into the dirt....HE WONT EVER DO THAT....HES PERFECT.....REPENT SOON
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